
If you are looking for a fishmonger in Pontefract then C&M Fresh Fish Sales can supply the best fresh fish available direct from Grimsby fish docks.

Also serving fresh fish in Holmfirth, Hoyland and Langold. Michael and Matt from Grimsby have between them decades of experience in the fresh fish industry at all levels from purchasing to packaging and sales of wet-fish. Having known Michael of C&M Fresh Fish Sales for several decades due to our work in the fishing industry, The Coventry Fishmonger recommends you visit C&M Fresh Fish Sales to see for your self if they are the best fishmongers in Derbyshire.

I will be calling AT ONLY my regular customers from now onward. Unfortunately due to time constraints I don’t have a spare minute in the day for any extra calls!

I don’t have a spare minute to take on new customers or to wait anywhere for new customers to visit me; tuesdays for me are now 13 1/2 hours long – after driving for over two hours to reach Coventry!

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<a href=”–876501.html”>”Grimsby Fish Man” Food Hygiene Rating</a>
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Five Stars rating for The Scores On The Door health check rating system awarded by N. E. Lincolnshire borough council.–978648.html


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